You mention the word influence and many things come to mind to different people. I have heard people say, “role model” or “mentor”. On the opposite end, I have heard, “manipulate” or “force”. Those are quite different feelings that one word can generate depending on the life lessons that someone has experienced. How you choose to use influence can be a major factor in the results that it produces. Let’s jump in.
I am Leigh Wilson and this is Focus Forward Business Design
I really was amazed at how many people look at influence as a negative thing. It made me step back with fresh eyes and take a look at what people were perceiving influence to be. What I found out is that a large majority of the population truly felt that the definition of influence was parallel with manipulation.
What we do know and what I have always believed is that high performers have the ability and the gift to...
How can succeeding at a high level be a bad or fearful thing? However, what we know is that there are many amazing people, maybe even you that fear success at some level. People that have so much to offer but very likely stand in the shadows and do not contribute when their opinions or ideas could revolutionize a company or take them or their peers to a new level of accomplishment.
If this is you or someone that you know, then you may be able to understand. If you are one that thinks that this is not a real thing, then listen and open up your mind to the possibility that not all people embrace success and strive for more of it. All of us probably know at least one or two people that struggle with this and we don’t even know it. We have possibly just looked at them as great support or as not being as driven as others, when in fact they are bursting with more knowledge and dreams than we can imagine. They give the impression that being a...
Acknowledge your Emotions. .Understanding what you are feeling is the first step to being able to take the necessary steps to learn from it and put into play the actions needed to come out ahead.
See rejection as proof that you are excelling and pushing the limits. When people reject others for who they are or what they believe in, it is often from being ignorant or because they have been made uncomfortable. This is a good sign that you are thinking at a higher level or venturing outside the norms. This is good, this leads to growth and new discoveries.
Feel compassion for yourself. Understand that this is a process and rejection is part of it. Do not be overly critical of yourself or your hurdles. Giving permission to learn and fail along the way.
Rejection does not become who you are. Believe in yourself and your dreams and goals. Your vision is what defines you, not the...
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Here are 4 types of fear that often stop people from taking that next step.
Number 1 - Is the Fear of ruin - If I don’t get this correct it is going to ruin my life forever. Or I could make a fool of myself. I could ruin my reputation or ruin this relationship. Many times, those are onetime events that we move on from. By pushing through these fears, we learn how to deal with it and process it. This allows us to grow and to deal with the next challenge differently, don’t focus on what you have allowed to be a huge disaster in your mind.
Number 2 is Rejection - She won’t love me, they will laugh at me, they will think I’m stupid, that’s ok. You don’t need their permission to grow and succeed. We have all been rejected but eventually it won’t matter. We move on and look back and it has no effect on what you do today when you choose...
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We all know what busy looks like. It is piles of papers, phone to the ear, someone wanting our time and stuffing a sandwich in your face while you drive to an appointment and try to get the mayonnaise off your shirt that dripped on there, no doubt while you were changing lanes. You can’t argue that you are busy, but not so productive. I know you can picture that. You may look like a cartoon character.
Here are some sure signs of non-productivity.
#1 – You are always putting out a fire. You know what this looks like. Someone has an issue, you stop what you are doing, stop projects and try to solve whatever emergency someone has thrown at you. This now results in your clients being put on the back burner and eventually they know it and they give up on calling or emailing because they know you won’t respond.
#2 – You are exhausted but have no idea what you did...
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How to change your weeks into more focused, productive time through goals and must do’s for the week. Understand a little bit about why you are or are not productive. Being focused and productive has been researched for years and years and the same results keep emerging. Many people have not made the commitment to changing their habits and therefore they find that their production has not increased. Unfortunately they can actually take a step backwards as more and more obligations and distractions enter their world.
The good news is these are not changes that work for a handful of people. They will work for everyone on the planet, but they will take mental strength and discipline. The good news is like any habit or addiction, after a few weeks of doing this it will feel weird if you don’t do it. Once your mind does that reset with new focus, you will begin to feel that something is missing or...
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While Leigh is out enjoying one of her planned vacations, Rob is filling this week. Remember we talked about that a while back, planning your vacations a year out. Well she is off doing that, so Rob Inman is here to fill in and discuss 3 things you can do to be way more productive in your everyday life. These are strategies that really help, they help me and I know it helps Leigh and our team to get through the things we need to get through.
The first one being, I want you to plan your hurdles and your struggles that you know, are going to be coming up in the next day of your work or your life, right, we all have things that pop up. They come into our life and they distract us from what we want to be doing. Maybe it's a tough phone call with a client or a family member. Maybe it's putting date night off, and it's really starting to push me and my partner is really asking me about that. And I've just been so...
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1. Set yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly goals. Without goals you have no path. There must be a clear target. What must happen this week. What are we after this week? You must know what you want. No clarity, no change…no goals, no growth. Workplace doesn’t matter.
2. Friday Finisher list – must happen by Friday. This is set by Monday. All must be completed. Non- negotiable. Completed for the week and the year will fall into place
3. Block time – Each project is blocked giving you structure which gains you freedom. It is not as constraining as you might think. 35-50 minute time frame in high performance studies. Don’t do anything else but that project. No email, social media. The more committed to this you can be, the higher level of success you will have.
4. Hourly breaks – 50 minute timer to take a short break, water, food, exercise 2-5 minutes. Highest producers take a break every 52 minutes....
Click below to listen to the podcast episode on Gaining Clarity!
Sometimes small things are not really small at all; the mystery of word clarity is one of them. Clarity is the quality of being certain and definite. This seems simple, however, when it comes to our practical lives, achieving it is not as easy as it seems. Clarity is one of the prevalent characteristics of highly accomplished individuals. It refers to being clear about what matters the most and holds your happiness, passion, and joy in it. Achieving clarity means knowing the meaning, intensity, and level of what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what you really want to do.
After much research, I have summed up two strategies to unlock this mystery.
There are no quick fixes, commitment and consistency is the name of the game. But If you do these things you will not even recognize your business 30 days from now as you will be firing on all cylinders and amazed at how content you are feeling with how things are running. You will feel so much more in control than you likely have in a very long time.
Get started today!