Procrastination Conquered: Regain Control and Thrive

fear productivity Sep 27, 2023

Are you the one with amazing dreams, the best intentions, yet somehow they never seem to materialize? You're not alone. In fact, you're part of the majority of exceptionally talented individuals with a grand vision who have yet to reach their full potential due to procrastination.

Today, I'll illuminate the path out of this darkness that has veiled our potential for far too long. It's time to shatter the chains that procrastination has bound us with, break free from the grasp of inaction, and rise to our full potential. Procrastination, my friends, is not an insurmountable obstacle; it's a challenge that we are fully equipped to conquer.

Imagine a life where you are not at the mercy of time slipping through your fingers, where your dreams are not deferred by the weight of 'tomorrow.' That life, that reality, begins with the realization that you are not powerless against the clutches of procrastination. It's time to reclaim the reins of your destiny, to navigate your life's ship with...

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Busy Does Not Always Mean Productive

productivity Jul 01, 2021

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We all know what busy looks like.  It is piles of papers, phone to the ear, someone wanting our time and stuffing a sandwich in your face while you drive to an appointment and try to get the mayonnaise off your shirt that dripped on there, no doubt while you were changing lanes.   You can’t argue that you are busy, but not so productive.  I know you can picture that.  You may look like a cartoon character.

Here are some sure signs of non-productivity.

#1 – You are always putting out a fire.  You know what this looks like.  Someone has an issue, you stop what you are doing, stop projects and try to solve whatever emergency someone has thrown at you.  This now results in your clients being put on the back burner and eventually they know it and they give up on calling or emailing because they know you won’t respond.  

#2 – You are exhausted but have no idea what you did...

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Understanding Productivity

productivity Jun 23, 2021

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How to change your weeks into more focused, productive time through goals and must do’s for the week.  Understand a little bit about why you are or are not productive.  Being focused and productive has been researched for years and years and the same results keep emerging. Many people have not made the commitment to changing their habits and therefore they find that their production has not increased. Unfortunately they can actually take a step backwards as more and more obligations and distractions enter their world.

The good news is these are not changes that work for a handful of people.  They will work for everyone on the planet, but they will take mental strength and discipline.  The good news is like any habit or addiction, after a few weeks of doing this it will feel weird if you don’t do it.  Once your mind does that reset with new focus, you will begin to feel that something is missing or...

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3 Ways to Eliminate Stress from Your Day

productivity Jun 18, 2021

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While Leigh is out enjoying one of her planned vacations, Rob is filling this week. Remember we talked about that a while back, planning your vacations a year out. Well she is off doing that, so Rob Inman is here to fill in and discuss 3 things you can do to be way more productive in your everyday life. These are strategies that really help, they help me and I know it helps Leigh and our team to get through the things we need to get through. 

The first one being, I want you to plan your hurdles and your struggles that you know, are going to be coming up in the next day of your work or your life, right, we all have things that pop up. They come into our life and they distract us from what we want to be doing. Maybe it's a tough phone call with a client or a family member. Maybe it's putting date night off, and it's really starting to push me and my partner is really asking me about that. And I've just been so...

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Productivity Tips when Working from Home

productivity Jun 09, 2021

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1. Set yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly goals. Without goals you have no path. There must be a clear target. What must happen this week. What are we after this week? You must know what you want. No clarity, no change…no goals, no growth. Workplace doesn’t matter.

2. Friday Finisher list – must happen by Friday. This is set by Monday. All must be completed. Non- negotiable. Completed for the week and the year will fall into place

3. Block time – Each project is blocked giving you structure which gains you freedom. It is not as constraining as you might think. 35-50 minute time frame in high performance studies. Don’t do anything else but that project. No email, social media. The more committed to this you can be, the higher level of success you will have.

4. Hourly breaks – 50 minute timer to take a short break, water, food, exercise 2-5 minutes. Highest producers take a break every 52 minutes....

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