Maintaining Clarity

clarity Nov 28, 2020
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How much clarity do you have in your life right now?  

If you have lost a bit of your clarity, do a self-evaluation and ask yourself what tripped you up and got in your way?  It seems that judgement surrounds us all the time, but man this year it is on steroids. I cannot believe the negative things that come out of people’s mouths these days and so much of it sits in total judgement of others. It is impossible to see anything clearly when judgement is clouding your path. By just removing all judgement your highest level of clarity will be so much easier to maintain and honestly increase your clarity in many areas. 

So how do we do this? Because we know that just saying “I am going to be more aware or I am not going to judge others is great but hard to sustain without some way to measure ourselves, or quite honestly someway to catch ourselves being naughty. Ask yourself how much clarity you...

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Gaining Clarity

clarity Nov 24, 2020
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Failure to clarify the purpose of what you do daily affects the direction and path one undertakes. In that regard, clarity reinforces the direction and quality of your life. Ideally, clarity means the skill or ability to understand what exactly it is that you want in your life. Lacking clarity in a particular goal or objective makes it harder to achieve it because you lack the confidence and the cognition on why you should do it. Besides, having clouded goals due to lack of clarity results to the lack of commitment in taking action. If you want to achieve a meaningful accomplishment in life, craving for clarity should be a top priority. The only viable way to achieve clarity in one’s life is by reaching deeper into selves, meditating on what makes us us, and acting accordingly in realizing clarity based on analysis’ results. These five strategies can help you in attaining better clarity on what you want in life....

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Defining Clarity

clarity Nov 23, 2020
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Clarity is a word that holds a mystery in it. Clarity refers to the quality of being certain or definite. Meriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “A Clear quality or state”, which is concise and straight forward.  However, it is not as easy as it seems, when it comes to achieving this quality in practical life. It is a proven fact that clarity is the attire of the most accomplished individuals.

Achieving clarity and knowing your big Why holds some undeniable importance. However, knowing what clarity means in the context of your personal and professional life, i.e. levels and domains of clarity, etc. is something we lack and matters the most. So, whatever one is doing in life must be backed by clarity, answering the big why concludes the difference between desires, needs, and practicality in the long run.

I have concluded two strategies for you to achieve clarity. Achieving clarity would deliver you to know what...

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