Navigating Entrepreneurial Success: Crafting Your Personal Life Blueprint



Chart a course for success with us! Envision your life as a ship sailing the vast sea of possibilities. Without a well-crafted life plan, it's like navigating without a compass in the business world. Join us today to discover how strategic life planning can be your guiding star, steering you through entrepreneurial challenges and unlocking opportunities for growth.

Why Life Planning Matters

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, a life plan isn't just a roadmap; it's your business compass. It provides a clear path forward, helping you prioritize values and goals in your professional journey. With the clarity a life plan provides, you will be amazed at the impact on your personal growth, motivation and decision making. Explore the significance of life planning tailored for entrepreneurs with Focus Forward Business Design.

Personalized Life Planning for Business Growth

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, your priorities are unique. Your life is multifaceted, just...

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Unlocking a Life of Purpose and Growth



If you're someone on the quest for a more purposeful and fulfilling life, you're in the right place. In the next few minutes, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey. Let's explore the path to meaningful change and personal growth.

The Power of Seeking Change

Picture yourself at the threshold of a new chapter in your life. It's not about overnight success but the accumulation of small, consistent steps that mold you into a stronger, more fulfilled version of yourself. To begin, shift your perspective from passive observer to an active seeker of opportunities to enhance your life and personal growth.

Laying the Foundation for Change

Every transformation starts with preparation. Create a personal "wish list" of the aspects of your life you want to change. This transforms your desires into concrete goals with meticulously planned strategies. It's the first step in turning your dreams into reality.

Overcoming Challenges

Expect challenges on this journey. Stress is a...

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Only Drink the Best Wine


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  • Over the years, my husband and I have tasted a lot of wine... good and bad, and as our taste buds have learned more, we have also determined drinking bad wine is not good for our overall experience. Much like surrounding ourselves with negative or toxic people is not good for our growth...hence the title.
  • "One of the most detrimental things that we can do on our journey to growth, both personally and professionally, is surround ourselves with negative input."
  • This can be a tough topic, and I get a lot of push back and objections with this one, because none of us like to do things that have the potential to be emotionally tough. However, we know the 5 people we spend the most amount of time with have the largest influence on our happiness and our long-term success or failures.
  • Attitudes are contagious! Surround yourself with the good ones.
  • "High achievers recognize that anyone aspiring to learn and grow brings great value to those...
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Your Morning Routine

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  • What if there was a way to complete the crazy mornings with a feeling of peace and control as you go into your day with a smile on your face, knowing that you have this?
  • "The key is that you must start each day with intention."
  • It has been scientifically proven that the highest achievers begin each day with a set routine of specific activities that create balance, purpose and a clear direction to the day.  In turn, higher productivity, better work quality, more freedom and a healthier lifestyle have proven to be the result of this new habit change.
  • "You deserve the right to have an amazing day and a fulfilled life, and I am here to tell you, that it all starts in the morning."
  • Leigh Wilson will go over how to set yourself up for success in 5 easy steps: Start Your Day with Peace, Hydrate, Get Movin', Wake Up your Mind and Plan Your Day.
  • Make this a part of your day for the next 30 days, and then, evaluate how you are...
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Time Management


Welcome to Focus Forward and module three of showing up as your best self.  This lesson is going to really give you the opportunity to change up how your entire day and week look.  I know how frustrating it can be to start off your day thinking that you have a clear picture of what you need to get done and even have it in your head exactly how the day is going to play out, just to walk into the office and be ambushed by everyone else’s needs.

This happens constantly and there does not seem to be an easy solution.  After all the people on our team or in our division have their projects that they are trying to move forward as well.  So, what can we do about it?  We have to set boundaries and put a time management system into place that unless the building is burning, or someone is bleeding…badly that the boundaries are immovable.  

Now I get it…people do need a piece of you and your time.  Yet, we cannot let them control the...

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Finish that To-Do List

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Full Transcript

Welcome to Focus Forward Business Design and module two of showing up as your best self.  As we learned in the last module, that can have a lot of different meanings but the one first step is to show up for ourselves. Now that you know what that looks like it is time to get a bit more tactical. I am Leigh and this is Focus Forward Business Design.

To-Do lists are something that come with a ton of controversy between influencers, business leaders and university business instructors as well as anyone that has ever used one. Everyone has their own opinion of how to best use a to-do list or if it is even productive to use one at all, or if you are better off to lose the to-do list and focus on priority items that only accelerate your successes, goal completion as well as joy and personal advancement goals.

I truly don’t believe there is a right or wrong answer and that it is an entirely individualized decision based on...

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5 Ways to Evaluate How You Show Up

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  • "The first person you must show up for is yourself."
  • Evaluate yourself on these 5 areas: Where you are at right now, Self-Talk, Affirmations, Expressing Gratitude, Being Kind to Yourself.
  • By evaluating how you are showing up for yourself, you will be more cognizant of how you treat yourself. This allows you to see the areas you can improve on, thus greatly improving how you treat yourself and show up for others.
  • Showing up for others does not happen by accident. It takes practice and intentional effort, but most of all, it requires you to show up for yourself first!
  • Show up for others better by actively listening, being vulnerable and expressing empathy.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Focus Forward Business Design…I am Leigh Wilson, your Certified High-Performance Coach.  We have all heard about “showing up” and it is becoming kind of a cliché phrase.  What does it exactly mean and where are we...

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