3 Ways to Eliminate Stress from Your Day

productivity Jun 18, 2021

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While Leigh is out enjoying one of her planned vacations, Rob is filling this week. Remember we talked about that a while back, planning your vacations a year out. Well she is off doing that, so Rob Inman is here to fill in and discuss 3 things you can do to be way more productive in your everyday life. These are strategies that really help, they help me and I know it helps Leigh and our team to get through the things we need to get through. 

The first one being, I want you to plan your hurdles and your struggles that you know, are going to be coming up in the next day of your work or your life, right, we all have things that pop up. They come into our life and they distract us from what we want to be doing. Maybe it's a tough phone call with a client or a family member. Maybe it's putting date night off, and it's really starting to push me and my partner is really asking me about that. And I've just been so...

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Productivity Tips when Working from Home

productivity Jun 09, 2021

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1. Set yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly goals. Without goals you have no path. There must be a clear target. What must happen this week. What are we after this week? You must know what you want. No clarity, no change…no goals, no growth. Workplace doesn’t matter.

2. Friday Finisher list – must happen by Friday. This is set by Monday. All must be completed. Non- negotiable. Completed for the week and the year will fall into place

3. Block time – Each project is blocked giving you structure which gains you freedom. It is not as constraining as you might think. 35-50 minute time frame in high performance studies. Don’t do anything else but that project. No email, social media. The more committed to this you can be, the higher level of success you will have.

4. Hourly breaks – 50 minute timer to take a short break, water, food, exercise 2-5 minutes. Highest producers take a break every 52 minutes....

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Gaining Clarity - Revisited

clarity Jun 02, 2021

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Sometimes small things are not really small at all; the mystery of word clarity is one of them. Clarity is the quality of being certain and definite. This seems simple, however, when it comes to our practical lives, achieving it is not as easy as it seems. Clarity is one of the prevalent characteristics of highly accomplished individuals. It refers to being clear about what matters the most and holds your happiness, passion, and joy in it. Achieving clarity means knowing the meaning, intensity, and level of what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what you really want to do.

After much research, I have summed up two strategies to unlock this mystery.

  1. First, wander through your personal and professional life and enlist what are the most crucial areas of your life you want to master. Evaluate and rate your performance in these areas from 1 to 10 regularly.
  2. Design a clear path with the...
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Network Freak

playbook to success May 24, 2021

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 There are no quick fixes, commitment and consistency is the name of the game.  But If you do these things you will not even recognize your business 30 days from now as you will be firing on all cylinders and amazed at how content you are feeling with how things are running.   You will feel so much more in control than you likely have in a very long time.

 Technology and social media have once again stepped it up and driven society even further into a cold non-communicative state, go back in time and look at how people used to get business.  They met strangers, and formed friendships based on trust and integrity.  They shook hands and met for drinks or bonded on the golf course. In short they networked. People would meet, relate and trust. Fast forward to the present and we have gotten used to all the cool toys and new ways to communicate. while relationships were once built around conversations...
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Done by One

playbook to success May 18, 2021
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Change is not easy, and you must be deeply committed to doing the work to get the results you desire. You must be consistently working to achieve your goals.  That is because this is the key to any success or change in habits.  They must be done consistently for an extended period.  If the consistency chain is broken the results are never realized at the level that we hope.  The good news is that we can always try again, and we must.  But the difference is we must do it with conviction. Do not allow yourself to be defeated by one setback. Use your wins to help move yourself forward.

Done by 1.  The HPX coaching group introduced the catchy name.  Practice the concept for a while and when you achieve success scream out “done by 1” and walk out the door. You nailed it!  Work as hard as you can to be awesome, you can do it.  Just decide that you will do it and move...

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Lose it, Leverage it or Automate it

playbook to success May 10, 2021

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What are you controlling? In your businesses what can you automate or delegate? Take a good look and automate those things by using technology and a highly efficient team.

You can do this on whatever journey you are embarking, whatever business you are stamping your logo on, it is key that you zero in on the most important pieces and scrap the crap. Your time is one of the only things that you have the ability to totally control if you are purposeful about it. How can you automate a process that is recurring? Take out your journal and make a list of the things that you do that matter most to you both personally and professionally. Now go through that list and really look at it and see if there are things that simply don’t need to be on there at all as they are just time fillers, and if so cross them off. Figure out what you can do to automate or delegate the pieces that are left that are not your true loves. Look closely...

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Playbook to Success - Plan It Like You Mean It

playbook to success May 04, 2021
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Look at the way you structure your day.  The goal is to have you working on projects or tasks that move you towards your end goals and not filling your day with meaningless junk that has you feeling or sometimes even claiming to be extremely busy.  By filling your day with stuff, you are truly just procrastinating and not getting the life changing things done.   

Take out your journal or a notepad and score yourself on a few items. First, on a scale of 1 to 10 how productive were you the past week on the items that will make a difference in your future?  If that is not a 10 then you have work to do.    

Like most people you use some kind of calendar to manage your time. Start thinking about time differently and it may change how you define what goes on that calendar.  Think of it this way, you can spend time doing something or you can invest time doing something.  So, this is very...

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Workout for Mental Health

goals Apr 27, 2021
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One of the largest, most determining factors in what our lives look like we have total control over.  We have control from start to finish and that is the goal that we set for ourselves on the way to life that we want to live.  That may be as short term as what we want today to look like or this week, but it is also the bigger picture of this year, 5 years, the rest of our life.  What do you want to contribute to this world?  What do you want your best self to look like, not necessarily physically but in terms of lifestyle, career, family if you were at your very best?  What do you want people to say about you?  In other words what do you want to reflect or influence in the world?  These are the areas that the highest achievers think about constantly, and they test themselves to make sure they are living up to the standards that they are striving for.

Setting the goal is the easy part, understanding...

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Keep It Moving Forward - Life Based Goals

goals Apr 21, 2021
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We all know that having goals is one thing, and that maintaining the discipline and habits to reach the goals is a whole different thing.   Everyone is striving for that balanced life and in order to achieve that, having goals in a variety of areas in your life is key.  I talk about this a lot in coaching, and in fact, it is this core belief that led to the birth of Focus Forward in the first place.

Though we have seen much change throughout the years in beliefs on a balanced life; we still, however, see that deep seeded belief that something has to suffer in order to create something amazing. When I looked at this and realized that most people with entrepreneurial drive struggle with this, I had found my next mission.  I had to help amazing people succeed at a high level and realize both their professional and personal dreams.

Since we have talked about the psychology of goals as well as different size goals, what I want...

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Build Your Life One Goal at a Time

goals Apr 13, 2021
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Your goal is not your big why. Your big why is the result of hitting your goal. Many people struggle to understand the marriage of goals and big why's.

If you have ever been exposed to the concept that we all need a big reason for doing what we do every day you can understand this.  Your why is a big motivator and can keep you excited about long-term missions.  It can be your family or maybe it’s a foundation you believe in.  It can be a short-term objective of that 3-week vacation you have been dreaming of taking.  You're big why’s can and will change as life changes.

 You may have attended many classes that would talk about the big why and maybe you could never come up with just one. Did you wonder if you did not have enough meaning in your life, or anything that you really cared deeply about?  Absolutely nothing that you would have considered the big "Kahuna" that would make you walk on...

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