Clarity is a word that holds a mystery in it. Clarity refers to the quality of being certain or definite. Meriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “A Clear quality or state”, which is concise and straight forward. However, it is not as easy as it seems, when it comes to achieving this quality in practical life. It is a proven fact that clarity is the attire of the most accomplished individuals.
Achieving clarity and knowing your big Why holds some undeniable importance. However, knowing what clarity means in the context of your personal and professional life, i.e. levels and domains of clarity, etc. is something we lack and matters the most. So, whatever one is doing in life must be backed by clarity, answering the big why concludes the difference between desires, needs, and practicality in the long run.
I have concluded two strategies for you to achieve clarity. Achieving clarity would deliver you to know what...
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