Keep It Moving Forward - Life Based Goals

goals Apr 21, 2021
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We all know that having goals is one thing, and that maintaining the discipline and habits to reach the goals is a whole different thing.   Everyone is striving for that balanced life and in order to achieve that, having goals in a variety of areas in your life is key.  I talk about this a lot in coaching, and in fact, it is this core belief that led to the birth of Focus Forward in the first place.

Though we have seen much change throughout the years in beliefs on a balanced life; we still, however, see that deep seeded belief that something has to suffer in order to create something amazing. When I looked at this and realized that most people with entrepreneurial drive struggle with this, I had found my next mission.  I had to help amazing people succeed at a high level and realize both their professional and personal dreams.

Since we have talked about the psychology of goals as well as different size goals, what I want...

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Build Your Life One Goal at a Time

goals Apr 13, 2021
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Your goal is not your big why. Your big why is the result of hitting your goal. Many people struggle to understand the marriage of goals and big why's.

If you have ever been exposed to the concept that we all need a big reason for doing what we do every day you can understand this.  Your why is a big motivator and can keep you excited about long-term missions.  It can be your family or maybe it’s a foundation you believe in.  It can be a short-term objective of that 3-week vacation you have been dreaming of taking.  You're big why’s can and will change as life changes.

 You may have attended many classes that would talk about the big why and maybe you could never come up with just one. Did you wonder if you did not have enough meaning in your life, or anything that you really cared deeply about?  Absolutely nothing that you would have considered the big "Kahuna" that would make you walk on...

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Process Goals or Outcome Goals – What Works for YOU

goals Apr 07, 2021

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Dig deep on goals. Goals have become the new buzzword and are not given the credit to be as large and powerful as they can and should be. Simple items that should be on a to-do list become a goal. Ridiculous right? Have we become so non-motivated that the simple functions that we need to do to exist, or should do to just be caring, giving, loving people have to be a goal? Certainly, hope not and for sake of argument we are going to assume that if you are interested in personal and or business development and are watching this, you do not need teeny tiny goals to make sure that you get the laundry done.
Let’s really look at this on a larger level, because you being a high achiever depends on the best tools and the best methods to move you forward faster, more efficiently and at a higher level than most people. To use the goals as a tool requires us to really look at the different ways that they can be used so we don’t drop the...

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The Power of Goals

goals Mar 31, 2021

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The power of goals has been lost. Get excited when you set a new goal that has the potential to get you further or achieve that next great thing. People tend to set a goal and then oftentimes have no plan to back it up and take it to completion. It almost seems like goals have taken on the look of a new year’s resolution, which in looking at it, really is just a long-term goal that seems to have great strength on January 2nd but by March has lost its sexiness, or we have forgotten that we ever set it in the first place as we have moved on to what we feel are more attainable goals.
You are probably thinking, this is kind of a downer. Where is the cheerleading and the “You can do it chants”? You can get there but you have to be real about what is happening. Find out what steps you need to take to get back on track to having goals that you actually get excited about and have a plan that you can execute. Then you can see...

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Who are Your 5 People?

your tribe Mar 24, 2021
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Start the journey of building that group that is going to help take you to the next level.

Look for others that are beginning the journey as well.  Find people that are of the same mindset and embrace the same ambition that you do.  You will grow together, and you will all be a great source of marketing for each other whether it be through your blog, a podcast or maybe some form of affiliate marketing.  It is really difficult to get the big dogs to recognize you and promote you when they don’t know who you are.  They want to make sure that if they put their name on a product it provides a high-quality benefit to their clients.  If you partner with others that are also in the growth phase you are still accomplishing the goal of surrounding yourself with amazing people, while at the same time getting your name and services out to a larger database then you would be able to do on your own.

This takes a...

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Grow Through Who You Know Pt. 2

your tribe Mar 18, 2021
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Things for you to think about when choosing the people that you surround yourself with.  Choose wisely the people that are your biggest influencers as well as those people that support your ambitions and challenge you to go to the next level.

Be really honest with yourself about picking that elite group that are going to be your “people”.  Now please remember you do not have to fire everyone in your life that does not do everything that you hoped that they would. You will find the people that are always lifting you up and surrounding you with the energy that you want.  It is always up to you to define how much time you are going to let "those people" have. Be prepared with the tools you are going to put in place to make sure you are not pulled in a direction you don't wish you path to follow.  The last thing you want to see happen is great progress forward just to have someone try to convince you that...

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Grow Through Who You Know

your tribe Mar 12, 2021
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People that are on the path to personal growth or to live that bigger life have made the conscious decision not to be the victim and to be in control of their world, regardless of what their past has held or what influence others have had on them.

Does this mean that unfortunate things don’t happen to people that are not self-made victims…of course not?  We all have our struggles that we must contend with. Whether it be personal, business, job, kids, we all have to confront challenges.  The difference is whether you curl up in the corner and wait for the bad stuff to pass or whether you stand up to it and decide what needs to happen for you to come out on top, control what you can control and learn from the situation.

Here is the question, how can we give ourselves an advantage and come out on top more often, excel faster than average, have the influence that we desire and succeed at a higher level than most of...

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Your Tribe

your tribe Mar 03, 2021
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Your group, your community.  Whatever you want to call it, they are the people that we surround ourselves with. The people that have the most impact on us.  This can be a little more difficult to control at times.  I mean, yes you can and should decide who you are going to let into your inner circle, but let’s be honest sometimes that can be tough and honestly can be downright uncomfortable if you have to decide to exclude someone that may be a family member or a friend of many years.

So, what do you do?   Well, let’s back up a bit and chat about what this can mean for your life if you purposefully surround yourself with the people that make you better.   We know for a fact that the people, the energy and the psychology of others does affect who we are and how we behave or react to different situations.

Take for example that person that you know that rarely has anything good to say about...

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The Psychology of Habits

habits Feb 23, 2021

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Your world would be entirely different if you succeeded at consistently replacing the habits that you know don’t serve you well with new ones that emphasize good habits in health, fitness, nutrition as well as your career habits that lead to more productivity, less wasted time and more creative energy.  This is absolutely guaranteed…You may be saying “of course I know that”… but do you really?  It is easy to sit back and say yeah it would be cool, or different or amazing, but apparently, we are not good at really feeling what it would be like.  Feeling the goodness and the changes are what push us to make the changes.  Think about it, if you have ever experienced the implementation of a new habit that literally rocked your world, wasn’t it easier to continue on that journey?

Think of something that you really want badly.  It could be living somewhere amazing, maybe taking on a...

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Habits to Keep You Thriving

habits Feb 15, 2021
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It’s time to thrive not just survive.  We all know at a deep level that healthy habits are the best thing that we can do for longevity, great health, happiness, even wealth has been attributed to great health.  If that is the case, then why are so many people so irresponsible and quite honestly derelict in their duties to care for the one home that they will have forever…their bodies.  It doesn’t just end there though; our minds must be constantly worked out and trained for better behavior.  So, don’t believe it can all be solved at the gym.  Thrive by setting habits in the categories of nutrition, fitness and brain health. You may need to reevaluate in your life choices and likely need to step it up. Rarely are we consistently highly effective in all the habits of life.  The challenge is for you to pick just 3 areas that you are going to start or reengage in.  Then pick...

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