Whether you are just starting your business, growing your business or starting your fifth business, referrals are critical for its success. Being one of the most trusted forms of marketing,...
If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, some items are simply non-negotiable. Yes, motivation, determination, and perseverance are all important aspects of a successful entrepreneur. No one is arguing that those things are necessary. So,...
Oh, the holidays are here. Time for gift-giving, holiday meals, gleeful gatherings and oh, what fun it will be!
But first, the chaos. The frantic gift purchase for that uncle you forgot was coming to dinner this year. The fourth trip to the store on Christmas Eve, this time, for tape. The multiple dietary needs one menu must meet causing you to jump through culinary hoops....
Perhaps you are no stranger to the vital role a calendar plays in the lives of business owners, entrepreneurs, and high-performers of all...
Self-doubt, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, analysis paralysis... whatever your block is right now, and I am sure you have one, just know you are not alone. These terms exist because these blocks have been so prevalent in society, and I think this is a great thing! We get to name our challenges and zero in...
Now, you will get help from your accountant or attorney on this, but before you pay them big bucks, go to Google. I want you to Google LLC, partnership, sub-S corporation, or sole proprietor; I do not recommend the sole proprietor for most people just because there are some tax advantages the other way, but again talk to your accountant about that. You will determine this in advance because this will set up how you do...
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