Chart a course for success with us! Envision your life as a ship sailing the vast sea of possibilities. Without a well-crafted life plan, it's like navigating without a compass in the business world. Join us today to discover how strategic life planning can be your guiding star, steering you through entrepreneurial challenges and unlocking opportunities for growth.
In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, a life plan isn't just a roadmap; it's your business compass. It provides a clear path forward, helping you prioritize values and goals in your professional journey. With the clarity a life plan provides, you will be amazed at the impact on your personal growth, motivation and decision making. Explore the significance of life planning tailored for entrepreneurs with Focus Forward Business Design.
As an entrepreneur or small business owner, your priorities are unique. Your life is multifaceted, just...
If you're someone on the quest for a more purposeful and fulfilling life, you're in the right place. In the next few minutes, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey. Let's explore the path to meaningful change and personal growth.
Picture yourself at the threshold of a new chapter in your life. It's not about overnight success but the accumulation of small, consistent steps that mold you into a stronger, more fulfilled version of yourself. To begin, shift your perspective from passive observer to an active seeker of opportunities to enhance your life and personal growth.
Every transformation starts with preparation. Create a personal "wish list" of the aspects of your life you want to change. This transforms your desires into concrete goals with meticulously planned strategies. It's the first step in turning your dreams into reality.
Expect challenges on this journey. Stress is a...
Have you ever stumbled upon a news piece or a magazine article that left you thinking, "Man, I wish that genius idea had crossed my mind"? We've all been there, marveling at the simplicity of inventions like the slinky, the paper clip, or even the quirky Chia pet. You can't help but daydream about what it would be like to be the mastermind behind such strokes of brilliance. The good news is, you can be that person. All you need to do is unlock your receptiveness to inspiration and, once it arrives, embrace it with open arms.
Demolishing your preconceived notions might sound easier said than done, but it's entirely achievable. Start by identifying those sneaky preconceptions that might stand in your way when a brilliant idea comes knocking. Think of it as decluttering your mind, clearing the path to brilliance in case a promising idea decides to grace you with its presence.
We all tend to get...
As an entrepreneur and business coach, I've had the privilege of working with some of the most successful business owners out there. From my experience, I've discovered that certain habits and behaviors...
Your world would be entirely different if you succeeded at consistently replacing the habits that you know don’t serve you well with new ones that emphasize good habits in health, fitness, nutrition as well as your career habits that lead to more productivity, less wasted time and more creative energy. This is absolutely guaranteed…You may be saying “of course I know that”… but do you really? It is easy to sit back and say yeah it would be cool, or different or amazing, but apparently, we are not good at really feeling what it would be like. Feeling the goodness and the changes are what push us to make the changes. Think about it, if you have ever experienced the implementation of a new habit that literally rocked your world, wasn’t it easier to continue on that journey?
Think of something that you really want badly. It could be living somewhere amazing, maybe taking on a...
It’s time to thrive not just survive. We all know at a deep level that healthy habits are the best thing that we can do for longevity, great health, happiness, even wealth has been attributed to great health. If that is the case, then why are so many people so irresponsible and quite honestly derelict in their duties to care for the one home that they will have forever…their bodies. It doesn’t just end there though; our minds must be constantly worked out and trained for better behavior. So, don’t believe it can all be solved at the gym. Thrive by setting habits in the categories of nutrition, fitness and brain health. You may need to reevaluate in your life choices and likely need to step it up. Rarely are we consistently highly effective in all the habits of life. The challenge is for you to pick just 3 areas that you are going to start or reengage in. Then pick...
Take on less by prioritizing the items in your life that are truly important and are the items that will accomplish the largest goals that will take you to new levels in life, both professionally and personally.
Get some crazy good habits in place that are proven to increase productivity, then eventually we may be able to graduate to filtering out other people's agendas, or items that just simply don’t move the needle forward.
In order for habits to be effective we must really want change. It can’t be someone else’s idea. It has to be a deep seeded desire for a better result in one or more areas of our lives. If the desire is not your own, you will not experience long term success. If the motivation is personal, the level of success increases dramatically. You may even need less support or tools to be successful. The best new habits can be an uphill climb if the desire to change is...
The most important good habit to have is clarity. Let’s face it, we know that the more clarity you have the better you perform. You just get stuff done and make things happen, opposed to when you have no clarity on what the end goal is, and you spin around in circles trying to convince yourself and others that you are extremely busy.
Have you been told for years by coaches that to have the drive and passion you need to succeed you have to have a big "Why”? Did you ever sit thru class after class and think do I even need a big why?
Now please don't get off topic. Everyone of course has reasons for doing what they do, many of us have goals that never seemed special, or big enough. Most of us are not building schools for Children in Africa or building a foundation to save the whales. Have you had the struggle during class, when they asked us to write out our big why and then have a few people share theirs?...
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