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Dig deep on goals. Goals have become the new buzzword and are not given the credit to be as large and powerful as they can and should be. Simple items that should be on a to-do list become a goal. Ridiculous right? Have we become so non-motivated that the simple functions that we need to do to exist, or should do to just be caring, giving, loving people have to be a goal? Certainly, hope not and for sake of argument we are going to assume that if you are interested in personal and or business development and are watching this, you do not need teeny tiny goals to make sure that you get the laundry done.
Let’s really look at this on a larger level, because you being a high achiever depends on the best tools and the best methods to move you forward faster, more efficiently and at a higher level than most people. To use the goals as a tool requires us to really look at the different ways that they can be used so we don’t drop the ball and never complete the mission. That being said, you will determine as you start working towards a goal that it is not the right path and abandon it. That is ok and in fact is great to make that determination before you spend more valuable time on something that is not the right fit.
Understand the difference between process goals and outcome goals. These are intertwined but have entirely different purposes. Process goals are the steppingstones to achieve the larger goal. If you think of the process as the plan, that will likely start putting the pieces together for you.
Welcome to Focus Forward Business Design…I am Leigh Wilson your Certified High-Performance Coach
So, this month I am really wanting to dig deep on goals. I talked about this last week and how it seems like goals have become the new buzz word and not given the credit to be as large and powerful as they can and should be. Simple items that should be on a to-do list become a goal. Ridiculous right? Have we become so non-motivated that the simple functions that we need to do to exist, or should do to just be caring, giving, loving people have to be a goal. I certainly hope not and for sake of argument we are going to assume that if you are interested in personal and or business development and are watching this, you do not need teeny tiny goals to make sure that you get the laundry done.
Let’s really look at this on a larger level, because you being a high achiever depends on the best tools and the best methods to move you forward faster, more efficiently and at a higher level than most people. To use the goals as a tool requires us to really look at the different ways that they can be used so we don’t drop the ball and never complete the mission. That being said, you will determine as you start working towards a goal that it is not the right path and abandon it. That is ok and in fact is great to make that determination before you spend more valuable time on something that is not the right fit.
This week we are going to break down the difference between process goals and outcome goals. These are intertwined but have entirely different purposes. Process goals are the steppingstones to achieve the larger goal. If you did not get a chance to listen to last week, I encourage you to go back and review that as we talk in depth about the importance of a plan. If you think of the process as the plan, that will likely start putting the pieces together for you.
So often we become obsessed with the end goal or the big results that we never put a process in place to get there, and then we are so frustrated and disappointed when we never succeed at reaching the goal. In fact, without a plan, whatever had us excited in the first place may direct us incorrectly to behaviors or a mindset that do us no favors. In our own defense the prize at the end of the journey is bright and shiny and very enticing and may change our lives. But we all know that the even the wish we make when we see a shooting star generally has some pieces that have to occur or be produced to have the wish come true. Without the plan or process that goal is just a wish.
So, this is the problem with focusing on our outcome goals…it’s far too big for us to get to without some steps on the front end, and it is typically further in the future than our motivation level will hold us without some celebrations on the way.
Let’s look at an outcome goal of losing 20lbs. I use this one because most people can either personally relate or know someone that has set this outcome goal. Every day they step on the scale, setting themselves up for disappointment because the goal that will achieve happiness is losing the 20 lbs. They have given themselves one chance to be successful. So, in other words until they lose the 20 lbs.…if they succeed, they are continually focusing on what they don’t have rather than really concentrating on what they have total control over…these are the steps, processes or plan. Whatever you choose to call it, this is what gives you that high likelihood of success in reaching the outcome goal.
By focusing on the smaller pieces that are taking you in the direction of the ultimate goal, allows you to see progress, whereas if you are one that tends to only see failure until the mission is complete then you likely find yourself unhappy and grumpy with yourself and the results that you are seeing. This can happen so easily if we get tangled up trying to reach the top of the mountain and don’t enjoy the scenery on the way up.
I know that because I am a process freak, I end up learning so much about something I didn’t even know I needed to know on the way to something larger. This is so great when I discover a new way of doing something, or a new skill that was designed to reach the outcome goal and now I have that to lean on in the future. It was not even on my radar, yet now I have learned something and possibly it will help my efficiency on the next big dream.
Let’s look at the ways in which we measure success. As I mentioned earlier measuring success only when the outcome goal is reached can make it difficult to ever get to the outcome or at the very least it may be a less than enjoyable journey. By the time you get to the goal you are exhausted. I have watched people go through this and when they finally reach the end, they can’t even enjoy it, as the path to get there was so agonizing, or worse yet they wonder why they did it in the first place.
Remember what we talked about earlier. When you have processes in place you may discover the journey you are on is not the right one and save yourself from a long trip that never had the destination you were hoping for. When we have a process, we build measuring points or success points along the way. Places that we can stop and look at how far we have come based on where we began. This may seem pointless to you if you struggle celebrating the small victories, as I do. But I am living proof that honestly celebrating each completed step will keep your motivation high and your excitement for the ultimate goal high. Something else that I have neglected to mention is that by completing the small steps you will sometimes realize that the next step is different then you originally thought. This in itself can help keep you on track and save time that straying off in the wrong direction would have cost you. In other words, processes are all about doing the right things in the right order knowing that ultimately you will find success at an extremely high level.
You get to control processes unlike outcomes. Let’s go back to the 20 lbs. The goal of losing 20 lbs. is not going to happen just by stating this is the desired outcome. There must be steps that are thought out, measurable and accountable along the way. You control all processes. So, for example, researching healthy eating would be a step to the next step of writing a meal plan. You might also be including exercise in this road to shedding 20lbs. Defining what types of exercise, you would enjoy and would give you the desired results would be a process piece on the way to either hiring a trainer and sharing your goals or defining your own workout schedule.
You can see how you can break this down as far as you want. Some people need that small dose of dopamine that comes from short bursts of success while others can have a little larger process and still maintain progress forward. You will figure this out as you start planning things out. If there are things that are being overlooked, then add a process. If you feel that you have been trudging forward with no results, then back up and see how it can be broken down further. Remember the processes are totally in your control.
By doing the process your mind will move to focusing on processes vs results which is exactly what you want. We know that anytime we are trying to achieve something new at a high level there is going to be a certain percentage of frustration that comes from inconsistent results. We can’t change that, but by looking at a process instead of a result the slow downs or outright failures are not so glaringly in our faces and we are able to move to the next process with less emotion and mental fatigue. Using process goals as opposed to outcome goals can help eliminate the highs and lows as there is always an achievable process in the wings. By continuing to trust the process the results will likely follow.
Here is what I challenge you to do. Look at a goal that you are wanting to accomplish whether it be business or personal and break it down into smaller steps. Ask yourself what is the first thing that you would need to do to move the needle even just a little bit. Maybe you have a child that wants to attend a 4-year division one university on the east coast. What would have to happen first? Many people would look at that outcome goal and be so overwhelmed with cost, distance etc. that they would never have enough information to make an educated decision. Maybe that process starts with a list of the schools, majors offered, then the cost of each, then scholarships available, application process etc. As you can see each of these moves things one step closer and none of them are daunting.
I hope this has helped you think about taking those amazing goals you have and making them more attainable…essentially you are taking back control.
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Remember it is always your choice to Focus Forward!
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