Who are Your 5 People?

your tribe Mar 24, 2021
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Start the journey of building that group that is going to help take you to the next level.

Look for others that are beginning the journey as well.  Find people that are of the same mindset and embrace the same ambition that you do.  You will grow together, and you will all be a great source of marketing for each other whether it be through your blog, a podcast or maybe some form of affiliate marketing.  It is really difficult to get the big dogs to recognize you and promote you when they don’t know who you are.  They want to make sure that if they put their name on a product it provides a high-quality benefit to their clients.  If you partner with others that are also in the growth phase you are still accomplishing the goal of surrounding yourself with amazing people, while at the same time getting your name and services out to a larger database then you would be able to do on your own.

This takes a serious effort, and it must be a consistent effort of always meeting new people and really paying attention to who they are and what they stand for.  It doesn’t stop there though, you must take the next step and reach out to try to form that relationship.  Like any relationships some will work, and some will not.  Be patient and don’t settle for relationships with people that are less than what you are looking for in an attempt to build that influential group faster.

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Full Transcript

We have spent the past few weeks talking about who makes up our inner circle and how that can affect your view on life, the progress forward…or backward that you make and even how successful you may become in reaching those big life dreams that you have.

I know for me it was really easy to understand and see how having the right people in my life was important but then I struggled with how to get those people into my world.  After all you want the people that you emulate to respect you, encourage you and welcome you but when you are new to building the empire or entering a new world that you are not an expert in, how does that happen.

I can tell you that I am also still working on this challenge on a daily basis as we grow.  It seems that there is always someone new that we want to be like or learn from that is out of reach.  It takes time and it is never easy.  Here are 3 ways that you can start the journey of building that group that is going to help take you to the next level.

  1. Look for others that are beginning the journey as well.  Find people that are of the same mindset and embrace the same ambition that you do.  You will grow together, and you will all be a great source of marketing for each other whether it be through your blog, a podcast or maybe some form of affiliate marketing.  It is really difficult to get the big dogs to recognize you and promote you when they don’t know who you are.  You can understand this…they want to make sure that if they put their name on a product it provides a high-quality benefit to their clients.  If you partner with others that are also in the growth phase you are still accomplishing the goal of surrounding yourself with amazing people, while at the same time getting your name and services out to a larger database then you would be able to do on your own.

This takes a serious effort, and it must be a consistent effort of always meeting new people and really paying attention to who they are and what they stand for.  It doesn’t stop there though, you must take the next step and reach out to try to form that relationship.  Like any relationships some will work, and some will not.  Be patient and don’t settle for relationships with people that are less than what you are looking for in an attempt to build that influential group faster.

  1. The 2nd thing to make sure that we want to do is to take into consideration not only those who will help us and that we can help build the goal faster but those who for lack of a better word are our bench.  These are the people that may not be the ones that will be in our mastermind groups or promoting our product.  They may not even be in business at all, but like the bench they are always there to support, encourage and step in when they are needed.  We all need these people especially when things may not be moving as quickly or as smoothly as we wish they would.  Having that person that could care less about how successful you are, but knows that you are amazing on so many other levels and doesn’t hesitate to tell you is sometimes exactly what we need to boost us up and keep us in the game.
  2. The final thing I want to talk about is remembering that regardless of how hard it is sometimes to think beyond what your aspirations are, and you feel like you are only taking from those that are the biggest influencers around you.  Consider what influence you bring to the table.  You will likely be very surprised at the influence that you are providing for those around you.  I really feel that it is as important to surround yourself with 5 amazing people that will help you grow, as it is to be one of the 5 for many others.  As you are going through your day be cognizant of the energy that you bring out and the positive force that you have on those around you.  People will live vicariously through you and how you behave and react as they watch you go through your day, whether it be with victories or challenges.  You can actually begin to see change in people as they spend more time around positive, influential people if they have the desire to make those changes in their own lives.  So as you are growing, learning and realizing success offer those around you the same high level guidance and support that you would want for yourself.

I know that all of this sounds extremely basic, and truthfully it is.  You know this stuff, but I get it.  As we are all so busy trying to build our businesses and get to the next level, we tend to not take the time to learn about those around us.  It can truly take so much less energy to be successful with the help of others, so why don’t we do it.  There are likely a number of reasons.  One is that we simply don’t put the importance on it that we should.  Yet, when we make it a goal even for a short time to network and maybe add just 2 amazing people to our inner circle, we learn that growth and new opportunities surround us quickly.  Another, and this has been big for me, is that we don’t like to ask for help.  However, if we go back to what I talked about a few minutes ago in regard to what we provide for others it can almost be selfish to not reach out as now we are depriving the world of what we have to share and offer others.  This is a tough one for me as I have always been the do everything myself person, but once I realized how much the people that I surround myself with were asking for help and advice to grow their own goals and aspirations it was so easy to make that transition into a team atmosphere even though our teams had different ambitions.

So the moral of the story is don’t go it alone…find those people that you want to be like and learn and grow and help them to do the same.  It is honestly no more difficult than the old saying that 2 heads are better than 1.  Imagine what 5 or 10 could do.

I hope this has been helpful and you truly make the commitment to get out there and grow that group of people that are as incredible as you are.  Your life will be so much more full and the energy that you will produce as a group will make you unstoppable.

Please share this with 5 of the people that you would like to connect with, and you will find that they will reach back out and thank you for thinking of them as they are on their journeys.  Consider this a great way to break the ice.  It can be as simple as saying “I saw this post and thought of you…hope you find it useful.”

Have a great day and remember it is your choice to Focus Forward.


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