Navigating Winter: Strategies for Energizing Mind and Body


Viewing winter challenges as chances for personal development, moments to foster connections with others, and opportunities to marvel at the beauty of nature has the power to transform a bleak, chilly day into one filled with hope and inspiration

Winter—it's a journey we're all on.

It feels like a mental hurdle. Personally, I have to psych myself up to be the positive, motivated person I want to be during these colder months. It might sound silly, but there's more to it than just weather. The lack of sunshine and outdoor playtime can really mess with us, don't you think?

But here's the deal: I don't do well with excuses. Winter might be tough, but I'm determined not to let it get the best of me.

As we find ourselves in the midst of winter's chill, it's essential to acknowledge the impact it can have on our physical and mental well-being. The shorter days, colder temperatures, and gloomy weather often take a toll on our energy levels and mood. But even in the dreariness of...

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Regain & Maintain That Motivation

motivation Jan 26, 2021
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Motivation is hard work and must constantly be worked on to sustain it. With some habit changes and some refocusing it is amazing how quickly we can come around to that level of motivation that we know excites us about the future that we have and the goals that we are pursuing. Bring motivation back into your life by spreading the word.  Think back to a time when a friend or family member has shared a goal or vision that they had with you.  Don’t you want to help them get there and aren’t you constantly checking in on their progress?  Of course, you are because that is what friends do.  Having a big goal and going it alone is tough and is one of the biggest results in failing at a dream.  Tell the world what you are after and what you are doing to get there.  You will be amazed at the motivation that brings your soul.  We don’t like to embarrass ourselves or look like we don’t...

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5 Types of Motivators

motivation Jan 19, 2021
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5 different modes of behavior that will lead to motivation.  Let’s be clear, these may not all resonate with you.  Different people have different triggers that motivate them so keep in mind that there is no one answer to this complicated question of what motivates people.  all of these are intrinsic motivators as they come from within us.  We have the ability to pull any of these into our lives whenever we want.  So, I challenge you to pick one of two of these and do the work to find what challenge, fantasy or curiosity excites you and has you planning out in your head what the next steps are. However, you will be able to go through these and know very quickly which ones speak to you and use those for your go to motivator boosters.

#1 – Recognition – This is very simple in that everyone loves to be recognized and appreciated for the things that they do.

#2 The next one that comes to mind is...

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Become a Master of Motivation

motivation Jan 13, 2021
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We all must generate motivation on a continual basis to continue to contribute and feel like we are leading a meaningful, joyful life.  To have a life led by motivation you must be intentional about what you do, what you think and what you say.  The best way to keep this in check is to constantly be reviewing what you want out of life.  What to do you want to be, what do you want to have and what do you want to give back.  That’s right I said give back.  It can’t always be about ourselves.  The best system is the one that you will use and moves you forward every day in measurable ways to achieving a bigger life.  A life filled with happiness, success and contribution.

To be a highly motivated individual you must engage with people.  I know you are probably asking, what does engaging with people have to do with motivation?   I am sure that you have heard that man was not meant...

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Motivation in 2021

motivation Jan 05, 2021
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Intrinsic Motivation.  This is the one that typically rules those New Year’s Goals. The classic example is losing 20lbs.  Your reason for doing this may be that you will feel better about yourself or be more confident or look sexy in those jeans you got for Christmas that almost fit if you lay on the bed and wiggle your legs fast.  That is an internal motivator and can be some of the hardest to maintain as we know how easily we let ourselves off the hook…time for that workout buddy.  

Extrinsic motivators – These are motivators that are the result of something outside of yourself that is pushing you.  Maybe that 20lbs that you wanted to lose did not come from the desire to be more confident but was the result of a partner putting the pressure on to lose 20 lbs. so you would be the attractive person they first met.

That fundraiser may be your child’s school saying that you need to be...

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