Network Freak

playbook to success May 24, 2021

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 There are no quick fixes, commitment and consistency is the name of the game.  But If you do these things you will not even recognize your business 30 days from now as you will be firing on all cylinders and amazed at how content you are feeling with how things are running.   You will feel so much more in control than you likely have in a very long time.

 Technology and social media have once again stepped it up and driven society even further into a cold non-communicative state, go back in time and look at how people used to get business.  They met strangers, and formed friendships based on trust and integrity.  They shook hands and met for drinks or bonded on the golf course. In short they networked. People would meet, relate and trust. Fast forward to the present and we have gotten used to all the cool toys and new ways to communicate. while relationships were once built around conversations and activities.  Have you noticed that people are yearning for that again?  

One of the most important pieces of life, whether it be for personal or business growth is the ability to feel comfortable talking and meeting with people.  The one thing that technology cannot replace is true human interaction that face to face conversations provide.




Full Transcript

You have so much talent; you are continually raising your skill sets and I know that because you are here today watching or listening to me.  If you have not checked into the previous 3 weeks, I encourage you to go back and listen as I have been giving you some great ways for you to level up both your personal life and your business life.  We all know that there are no quick fixes and commitment and consistency is the name of the game.  But what I do know is If you do these things you will not even recognize your business 30 days from now as you will be firing on all cylinders and amazed at how content you are feeling with how things are running.   You will feel in so much more control than you likely have in a very long time.

Today we are going to venture into an area that can really be a boost to your overall business success.  This has become more and more in the forefront over the past 3-5 years as technology and social media have really gone crazy.  What I am talking about has nothing to do with either of those.  So then why did I bring them up…because technology and social media have once again stepped it up and driven society even further into a cold non-communicative state, and what I want you to do is go back in time and look at how people got business.  They met strangers, and formed friendships based on trust and integrity.  They shook hands and met for drinks or on the golf course…they networked.  

I want to share something with you. My grandfather was a developer in a small town of about 35,000 people in Washington state back in the 1970’s,  he also owned the mortgage company and the title company. So, as you can imagine he was fairly influential in his khaki pants, short sleeved button down shirt, never complete without the cardigan sweater with patches on the elbows and yes slippers.  Well, fast forward to 1999: my grandfather had long since passed away as we lost him when I was 8. I was at a New Years Eve party at my in-laws house in Newport, Oregon.  I was talking to a gentleman that I had never met, and we were telling each other about our history, and he started putting 2 and 2 together and all of a sudden he blurted out “oh my God you are Charlie Brown”.  Charlie brown or Brown for short was the nickname my family had called me when I was very young.  I was taken aback as you can imagine…As it turns out years earlier, he needed a loan for a home and no bank would lend to him.  Yet, when he met my grandfather, he took a chance and personally loaned to this young man at the time. As he told me the story he had tears in his eyes.  He said “your grandpa trusted me and took a chance when others would not.  I owed him everything and have never forgotten what he did for me.  I will never forget him."

There are so many lessons in that, but the one that I wanted you to hear was the one about relationships.  That story never would have happened if people did not meet, relate and trust.  The one piece that I left out was that he said he remembered me because my grandfather would take me to the men's bar at the Elks (yeah that was a thing) when I was about 2, and I would walk up and down the bar and snag the maraschino cherries out of everyone’s drinks.  Everyone has a story mine started at a bar…remember, no judgement.

Now that we have gotten used to all the cool toys and new ways to communicate, it's just not as sexy as it used to be to have the latest way to not have to meet with people. Relationships were built around conversations and activities.  Have you noticed that people are yearning for that again?  

One of the most important pieces of life, whether it be for personal or business growth is the ability to feel comfortable talking and meeting with people.  The one thing that technology cannot replace is true human interaction that face to face conversations provide.  

So how do you get started and what are the best places….  We are going to go through 3 ways to help you find your fit.   Now, if socializing is uncomfortable for you and you are the type that prefers to hang out in the corner then I want you to look at this as an opportunity to grow and perfect a new skill.  You have to be uncomfortable to grow. People are discovering that they are doing things that they love to do while they are building their circle of influence that is going to launch their businesses to a new level.  

Don’t be afraid of something that is going to make you better.  This is your chance to rock the stage. You know what they say, “fake it till you make it”.  No one knows you are terrified but you.

Alright onward – let’s get networking…

Number one - Research for groups that are looking for a variety of industries.  You may have heard them referred to as leads groups.  BNI is one that comes to mind.  Now, I will tell you that you may have to try out a few groups before you find one that is a good fit for you.  The energy of the people in the group is critical.  Groups can get stale if they have been around for a long time or clicky so make sure the energy is what you are looking for.  These groups typically meet once a week and learn about each other and your businesses in hopes of exchanging referrals.  I find these groups to be very transactional based as opposed to relational, although friendships do evolve, and trust is established.  You just really need to jump in and try and see if it provides the opportunity to reach your goals.  

Number two – Social and recreational groups.  This could include civic groups as well.  Back to my grandfather, I bet he met that guy at the Elks and they became friends.  Those groups include rotary, Kiwana’s, there are many others.  This is such a fun way to meet people that love to do what you do and hang out in the places that you want to.   There are groups for anything that you could think of and many that you never would have imagined.  If you can think of it there is a group out there that gets together and does it and gets excited about it.  For example, we are car people, specifically Porsches.   So, we are part of the local and national Porsche club that gets together for drives and trips and social outings.  Obviously, this is not a business centered group, but I can tell you that business has come from it time and time again as we spend time together and learn what everyone does.  It is so easy to get and give business to people that you already know and care for.  Another way to do this is through meetup groups. If you are not aware of an existing group that revolves around your interests, I bet there is a meet up.  You can easily find this online as meet up groups are in all cities around the nation and probably the world.  If you don’t find one you can even create your own and you are the host and people will join your group.

Number 3 – This is a great one as we know that we are most likely to be influenced by the 5 people that we hang out with most.  So that being said, who do you want to learn from, emulate or be mentored by?  Make a list of a dozen people that you would love to meet and have coffee with because maybe they do what you want to do or even what you are already doing but they are doing it at such a high level that it would be amazing to share time with them.  Don’t be shy, put people on the list that you are certain would never take the time to meet with you.  You might be surprised what you can accomplish if you present yourself well and you are genuine.  Amazing people that are high achievers are typically givers, teachers and coaches as well.  Be purposeful and truthful about your intentions and you may get the meeting that you never thought possible.  By meeting this group of people and keeping an open mind that is ready to soak up whatever you can, you will gain confidence, and knowledge that you never had before which has the potential to  lift you to levels that you only envisioned others being at.


If you expand your way of thinking and are purposeful about putting yourself in the path of opportunity you will never be short of new friends and acquaintances to share your experience and knowledge with.  I am sure you know the guy that knows literally everyone in your town and what they do.  He is the one that is always there saying “Yeah, I know a guy for that”, or “I have the perfect business to refer you to”. That’s not by accident, he has made it his job to meet people and add value to not only his business but everyone around him.

I hope this has proven helpful and gets your mental juices flowing in a way that will lead to further success.  

You are strong, you are brilliant, and you are going to do great things.  

Please like and share this with 3 others that are looking to improve their success and happiness.

And of course remember, it is always your choice to focus forward.


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