Keep It Moving Forward - Life Based Goals

goals Apr 21, 2021
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We all know that having goals is one thing, and that maintaining the discipline and habits to reach the goals is a whole different thing.   Everyone is striving for that balanced life and in order to achieve that, having goals in a variety of areas in your life is key.  I talk about this a lot in coaching, and in fact, it is this core belief that led to the birth of Focus Forward in the first place.

Though we have seen much change throughout the years in beliefs on a balanced life; we still, however, see that deep seeded belief that something has to suffer in order to create something amazing. When I looked at this and realized that most people with entrepreneurial drive struggle with this, I had found my next mission.  I had to help amazing people succeed at a high level and realize both their professional and personal dreams.

Since we have talked about the psychology of goals as well as different size goals, what I want to dive into today relates to a question that I often get asked and that is: Where should I be setting goals in my life that will be the most beneficial in taking me to the next level? This is a great question because as we have talked about before, we never want to confuse to-dos with goals. Now, let’s go through the areas of your life where goals can potentially have the biggest impact!



Full Transcript

We all know that having goals is one thing, and that maintaining the discipline and habits to reach the goals is a whole different thing.   Everyone is striving for that balanced life and in order to achieve that, having goals in a variety of areas in your life is key.  I talk about this a lot in coaching, and in fact, it is this core belief that led to the birth of Focus Forward in the first place.

Let me explain.  Many of us have known success at a high level in one or a couple areas of our lives, and many of us were also taught that in order to be a high achiever, say for example in your career, it is likely that something else will suffer…for example maybe your family life, a relationship or your fitness.  I lived my life with this belief for many years as I had the perfect role model.  My father was self employed and built a highly successful business but was oftentimes gone before I got up and home after I went to bed when I was a child. In his defense this was in the 60’s and 70’s and that’s just how things were done.  In fact, if you think about it, the generation that had mom home raising the children pretty much implanted in our minds that if you were a working woman outside of the home, you could not be a good mother.  It may be that those home based businesses, such as Tupperware or Mary Kay, have that mentality to thank for their huge global success, as that was the first window of opportunity that many women had seen to be able to work, as they could do this from home for the most part.

We have obviously come a long way since then.  It is of course acceptable for moms to work and in fact is usually necessary in today's society.  What hasn’t changed is that deep seeded belief that something has to suffer in order to create something amazing.  I spent a lot of time thinking about this and started studying some of the most successful individuals in the world regardless of whether they were male or female and regardless of what industry they were in.  Some were CEO’s of some of the biggest fortune 50 companies and others were multi multi millionaires who had created their own companies and brands. Here is what I discovered…The majority of the truly successful people had figured out the balance that everyone talks about.  They had great satisfaction in their careers, great home lives, they spent time with their children and yes, they even took extended vacations.  So, when I looked a bit deeper I realized the people that were still allowing that imbalance were the amazing ambitious people that still truly in their hearts think that the harder and longer they work the more success that they will see.  What we know is exactly the opposite.

When I looked at this and realized that most people with entrepreneurial drive struggle with this, I had found my next mission.  I had to help amazing people succeed at a high level and realize both their professional and personal dreams.   It was a matter of educating and coaching differently than people had experienced.   Focus Forward was born.  I was so frustrated with the age-old coaching methods of straight accountability…If you don’t know what I am referring to it sounds something like this.

“Joe, how was your week great?”

“Anything new since we last talked?”

“How is that list of items coming that you made?”

“Great and the things that didn’t get done, what kept you from doing those?”

“Ok, is there anything that I can do to help you get those done.”

Does this sound familiar?  It probably does…Joe knows what he did or didn’t get done and does not need to be reminded.  What Joe needs is to have someone help him self discover the tools, patterns, goals etc. that will set him up for success.  He needs clarity and to be able to understand that energy is a key factor and how psychology and physiology all work together to help him level up and become more effective and efficient which in turn leads to a balanced life…hence Focus Forward Coaching.

Now you are probably asking what does this have to do with today’s session on goals…patience…we are going there next.

Since we have talked about the psychology of goals and different size goals that come with different lengths of time to accomplish them, what I want to dive into today relates to a question that I often get asked and that is:   Where should I be setting goals in my life that will be the most beneficial in taking me to the next level?  This is a great question because as we have talked about before, we never want to confuse to-dos with goals.  Remember goals improve our level of life.   We are going to go through the areas of your life that goals can potentially have the biggest impact.

Number one – Health and Fitness goals  

This is probably the one area that everyone has set a goal at some point in their life and for good reason.  We know that if we feel better, then we achieve greater things.  My reason for putting it number one is that I feel if this piece is not dialed in on a consistent basis then truly everything and everyone else suffers for it and it will be an uphill battle to achieve your other goals.  It does not matter if you are in fantastic shape and your goal is to maintain your healthy habits of eating and working out, or if you have a higher level that you want to achieve in regards to a level of fitness or other health related issue. One area that gets left out of this category is your mental health.  As you are writing out your goals remember to include things that will make you mentally sharp in relation to activities or foods or even the supplements that you may take.

Number two – Career Goals  

This is the area that you get to set your vision and decide what you want to do when you grow up.  Too many people get stuck in a J O B that they originally took for the paycheck and have never grown past it.  They are scared of the uncertainty.  This is a fair concern, but I will tell you that the most successful, highest achievers never got to the level that they are at by playing it safe all the time.  Step back and look at your life in 5 years, 10 years…what do you want that career to look like. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to take that chance.  Share the dream and find how the support will be there from those who cherish you most.

Number three – Financial Goals    

Unfortunately, most people are making less than they want and spending more than they make.  Having financial goals is  a great step and quite frankly the only way to control your finances and get where you want to be.  By knowing what is most important to you, you are able to design the plan to achieve this. I can’t tell you how many people I have watched and guided to paying off debt that they never thought would happen, or building a credit score by doing a few new habits.  These financial goals may be tied to the 2nd goal we talked about in regards to career…the sky's the limit with a plan.

Number four – Personal goals  

Here is where we get serious and where most people tend to drop the ball is in these next two areas.   I coach people to come up with 3 words that best describe the version of themselves that they would like to be.   Your personal goals are the goals that will get you to that vision and help you to maintain and grow to yet another level.  It may be what your morning routine looks like and how that can start your day off with purpose and passion, or it may be to be purposeful about acknowledging every person you associate with that day through gratitude.  The list is endless of things that we can do to create the best of who we can be.

Finally, number five which again tends to be left off the goal list and therefore no plan is put into place to make things happen and that is family.  

Your biggest support system that provides you with confidence, well being and love is found at home, yet this is the area that we tend to be most guilty of neglecting in regard to setting goals that will allow this part of our life to flourish and grow.  It is so easy to get into habits that never change with our home life and this is such a rip off to everyone involved.  Level up in this area of your life and plan adventures, and family dinner, explore, vacation and you will be amazed at how your whole being changes.

As you are making your goals, and I suggest that you review your goals weekly, I like Sundays as things are winding down for the weekend and I am mentally preparing for the upcoming week.  Put a plan in place that has process goals that take each larger goal one step closer and gives you that feeling of accomplishment.

I hope this has been beneficial.  If you would do me a favor and share this with 3 like minded people in your circle that you feel would appreciate it that would be great.  We all need to help others reach their next level.

If you would like to explore how you can reach your goals faster and with more clarity please click here to sign up for your free 1:1 strategy session with me and get a jump start on being the best of who you envision.  This is my way to thank my community for supporting us and believing that there is nothing but greater things in our future.

Remember it is always your choice to Focus Forward!

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