Gaining Clarity

clarity Nov 24, 2020
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Failure to clarify the purpose of what you do daily affects the direction and path one undertakes. In that regard, clarity reinforces the direction and quality of your life. Ideally, clarity means the skill or ability to understand what exactly it is that you want in your life. Lacking clarity in a particular goal or objective makes it harder to achieve it because you lack the confidence and the cognition on why you should do it. Besides, having clouded goals due to lack of clarity results to the lack of commitment in taking action. If you want to achieve a meaningful accomplishment in life, craving for clarity should be a top priority. The only viable way to achieve clarity in one’s life is by reaching deeper into selves, meditating on what makes us us, and acting accordingly in realizing clarity based on analysis’ results. These five strategies can help you in attaining better clarity on what you want in life.

Strategies to Improve Clarity

(I) Stop Messing with The Good Stuff

Your habits can either lead you up the path to obtaining clarity or lead you down a train that is coupled with confusion and disarray. Here are some of the aspects that can lead you down the confusion path:

  • Surrounding yourself with drifters: individuals who have no direction and purpose in life and follow where the wind blows
  • Associating oneself with people whose goals, beliefs, and values are drastically dissimilar to yours.
  • Engaging in activities that derail your physical, mental, and emotional well-being by failing to watch what you put into our bodies (you are what you eat), and excessive screen time. These activities for the brain and hinder clarity achievement.

(II) Reflecting on Your Inner Self

This involves the process of contemplating on the positions you were initially in that were coupled by confusion, frustration, and lack of direction on where and how to reach the intended destination. After the contemplation process, you assess and establish the previous moments where you had great clarity on a particular issue, and identify the distinguishing factors between when you had clarity versus when you did not. That way, you realize the indicators that enable you to look back and remember how the clarity came about.

(III) Meditation/Visualization

Meditation involves perceiving how clarity would impact your world and how it would impact it after you achieve it. What would the feeling be like? Clarity has a way of supplementing one’s confidence. You thus need to take a step back, visualize, and consider how clarity would change you. 

(IV) Writing Down Your Goals

In as much as people regard it a cliché, it is proven that there is a 42% chance of accomplishing written goals than those not written down. Daily perusal and analysis of the written goals increase this percentage. Goals do not necessarily have to be written down in daily journals or boards. You can also put them in the mobile phone and set frequent reminders or alarms to habitually remind you of your goals, thereby challenging yourself always on achieving them.

(V) Goals Specification and Specialization

Specification of goals is the breaking down of general goals into smaller pieces. This is vital because the measuring and accountability of general goals are hard to achieve. Breaking down the big goal prevents you from getting overwhelmed by huge goals, and celebrate the small victories merrily along the way. In turn, this gives you great confidence in your ambitions when you see the collective goal getting accomplished gradually. 


Clarity is essential across all life aspects, be it in your personal life, in business ventures, or in regard to a particular accomplishment that is in the horizon. Hopefully, the provided pointers above will come in handy in helping you achieve better clarity. Remember, focusing forward is all dependent on your personal choice.


Inspirational Quotes





















Full Transcript

So you know that you need clarity in different parts of your world, you know that you want clarity because everything you have heard or read tell you that you will accomplish more with greater clarity.  So here is the million dollar question….how do we gain clarity.  Is it something that the lucky ones are born, with or are some people just able to naturally define their clarity?  The answer to both of those is no.  Clarity does not come from some source outside of yourself, it is not something that one day you wake up with the answer to all that has been unclear.  Like many things it is something that has to be worked for and tools put in place to help us go from the unclear to a path that seems to have a purpose to an end that we desire.  I had to really learn and accept this because as many of you know and have heard my story that finding clarity was a huge obstacle for me and I really just thought I didn’t get it on so many different levels.  So hang with me here my friends I am going to share some things that I had to learn.

So since clarity is not bestowed upon us by the universe or some other being greater than ourselves, then at a deeper level we decide what our clarity is going to be.  This may not be a conscious decision, but at the end of the day we are the only ones that can change our own level of clarity.  Whether you have clarity or you don’t you did it.  Were there exterior forces that helped you either positively or negatively arrive at your current level…undoubtedly, but remember it is always our choice to decide what makes it into our personal bubble and what does not.

I am going to give you 5 strategies to help you make your way towards the clarity that you are wanting.  Just remember that you are in charge here…that is so cool, because that means that you have the power to change everything.

Ok so number 1 – Stop Messing with the good stuff

There are proven habits that will help lead us down the good path to clarity, but at the same time there are very bad things that take us down the naughty trail to confusion and overwhelm.  So here are a few items to catch yourself if you are doing them and stop it….just stop it.

  • Hanging out with drifters…now I don’t mean the true definition of a drifter, although I wouldn’t recommend that either…you know, the people in your world that don’t really have any direction at all, they just kinda go where the next situation takes them.  You may have friends that you grew up with that are like this.  Many of us went away to college, or a career and when we came back home many of the friends that we had back in the day are still wandering around trying to figure out the next move, or worse yet have accepted that this is what life is.  Typically, they have that victim mentality that says “well, you know I am just not as lucky as you”, or “Things just never seem to workout as well for me”  Horse cocky….that is total crap and you know it.  Eliminate that negative energy from sucking you in.
  • Next can be the people that you live with whose goals and beliefs are drastically different than yours.  Being around excited, goal-oriented thinkers is the objective. Be cognitive about the 5 people that you surround yourself most with.  Are they forward thinking and looking to learn and move towards their dreams with intention?
  • You have heard it before, we are what we eat.  Give up the junk food, watch the caffeine and alcohol.  All of those things cause brain fog and make it increasingly hard to find clarity.
  • There are more but here is the last one that I will harp on today…screen time that is not productive or educational.  TV, websurfing, social media or other non- productive habits.  Did you know that the average American watches 4 hours of tv per day which equates over an average lifespan to 13 years watching the boob tube.  13 years of lost time that you never get back, that you never get to use to make a difference.

Now as you look back at these items, just flip flop them to the opposite.

  • Hang out with people that are clear where they are going and how they are getting there.  They are excited about the opportunities before them.
  • Continually improve your brain by adding books, eBooks, motivational material and education to your life
  • Eat to live, instead of living to eat by consuming unrefined plant based food.  This will have your energy up and you will feel sharper and more on point.
  • Think about your goals every day with a purpose of what you can do today to take even one small step to get you closer.

The 2nd thing is to reflect on where you are or where you have been in the past when maybe you had great clarity about something, as well as when you were feeling confused or frustrated with no clear path of where you were going let along how to get there.  Can you identify what things were different when you had the clarity vs when you didn’t.  Seriously, I bet there were some indicators that you can come up with that may look back on and go “oh yeah, I was way more clear when I was doing this…whatever this is.   Or on the opposite side you may very quickly think back and realize that everything went dark and fuzzy when you were thinking this or doing that.

Number 3 – Some will call this meditation, others will call it visualization.   But whatever you call it is irrelevant.  Look inside you and focus on what clarity will look like in your world when you have it.  What will it feel like?   Clarity has a certain power that gives each person a feeling of confidence.  Maybe you define it as a good vibe, or being in the zone.  Take some time and really sit quietly and feel what clarity will feel like to you.  By doing this that clarity that you are creating will become more natural and simple to create.

Next is one that we have heard our entire lives.    For Pete sake write down your dang goals.  Why is this simple practice one of the most inconsistently done habits?  It’s not hard, it’s not like it leaves you sore like working out does and we seem to be able to force ourselves to the gym easier than we can to take out a piece of paper and a pencil and write down what we want out of life.  It is proven that goals that are written down are 42% more likely to happen then if not written down.  Add to that, reading them everyday and the percentage just skyrockets.  I like to have them written on my daily journal or a white board in my office that I can see constantly.  Some people put them on their phones with an alarm that goes off and reminds them a few times a day what the goals are.  Find a way to keep your goals and dreams in front of you and constantly challenging your mind to make them happen.

Number 5.  I want you to take those goals that you wrote down and dig deep to make them extremely specific.  General goals are hard to measure or hold accountable.  We are going to take that giant goal and break it into smaller pieces that are more attainable on the way to the big kahuna.  In this way it is much easier to not get overwhelmed with a huge goal and you get to celebrate the small victories along the way.  How many times have you decided you wanted to learn something new but you had no idea of how to get started and so very likely you never got to the level you hoped to, if you even got started.  Start with the end in mind and work it backwards to be able to break it down into bite size pieces that will give you great confidence and excitement as you see the goal get closer very quickly.


I hope that this has helped and has given you some tools to help you gain your own clarity, whether it be in a business venture, your personal life or maybe in regard to something new on your horizon. 

Please share this, like it or comment below so that we can continue to help others lead the big life that they are searching for. Remember that it is always your choice to Focus Forward.


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